Tuesday, 26 November 2013

It's five syllables

We repeat it over and over as a class
It's a tough word to get right.

You see how it rolls off your tongue?

Maybe I'll get it tattooed on my lower back
Or horizontally along my waist
Ha! Wouldn't that just take all the Individuellement out of it?

At this point I've forgotten what it means

Maybe I should spend more time on French
Maybe I should spend more time on me


Class goes on
"Les verbes pronominaux are verbs you do to yourself by yourself"

You see how it rolls off your tongue?

Monday, 10 June 2013


If I told you a story about a young child,
In your mind's eye would you picture a young girl or a boy?

"He who is wise does blah blah blah"
"Patient is he who blah blah blah"
"A good man is he who blah blah blah"

Should I ignore my inner protests,
Should I focus on just the message?
Do they expect me to truly relate?

What would they think if I were to say she? Her? Woman?

Would we tell young boys proverbs in the form of she?
And if they said they couldn't relate, would we think it silly?

Why should I accept he, when he won't accept she, and by extension- me!
Why should I be flexible when he remains rigid?

I am not a fanatic,
I am not an extremist
I am not a "feminazi"

I am a woman.
And I haven't been blinded.
And I refuse to be silenced, subdued.

She who can see refuses to be subdued.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Eleven Women I Want to Celebrate

I have recently gotten very involved in V-Day's One Billion Rising movement, and in the spirit of it, I read Eve Ensler's I Am An Emotional Creature in one night. This morning, I was reading some of the monologues from the book to my parents, and though they support me in this endeavor, they weren't entirely on board with what they were hearing. According to them, there wasn't enough focus on the normal, successful, happy women who are contributing to society simply by being empowered and living fulfilling lives- which in turn empowers the people around them. 
I am still completely in love with the book, but my parents have a point. I'm glad we as a society are noticing our flaws, bringing attention to unpleasant stories, and trying to get better, but we should also be celebrating our successes. So, I'm going to start that off here, by celebrating eleven ordinary women whom I look up to, that have taught me something in one way or another. 
To be honest, I could think of many more than eleven women to put on this list, so there might be future posts on a similar note (heheheh). The eleven I will mention here are women  I see being extraordinary in their own way, whose success stories were never written down (as far as I know!).  

Woman 1- Tabitha Mark
I want to celebrate this woman for being excited about the world, education, and learning- enough to inspire some students to feel the same way, and make the most unmotivated students want to work hard. She gives students outlets to become change-makers, and helps students find the drive to do so, as well. One individual pushing a group of people to excel carries a huge impact.

Woman 2- Tracy Vieanneau
I want to celebrate this woman for pouring her heart into her students, and giving us a 'safe zone', while constantly pushing us to conquer our fears. Ms. V always fought for what she believed in- for the interests of her students. She is a model of 'leading by example', for she showed me and many others how to be strong simply by being so herself. When she was at my school two years ago, it was just a happier place. She helped so many of us get on the track to finding our own voices and confidence, which is one of the best things you can give a teenager. 

Woman 3- Sonia Wagh

I want to celebrate this woman for being what activists are trying to help every woman in the world become- energetic, stable, independent, caring, and happy. She is unbelievably intelligent, incapable of tiring, and a wonderful mother. She represents the place- of being totally empowered- which every woman in the world should one day reach.

Woman 4- Milan Kamerkar-Patil
I want to celebrate this woman for being vibrant and powerful. She's so full of laughter and wit, and almost exudes confidence and happiness, which is all part of her beauty. Her kids adore her to an extent you rarely ever get to see...plus, she's physically stronger than most men I know, which I think is awesome!

Woman 5- Suyash Nadkarni
I want to celebrate this woman for being an alive and emotional creature! There is probably nobody in the world that she wouldn't be able to have a conversation with, because she just instinctively knows how to connect with people! Her way with words, kids, and people is remarkable, even though she tries to play it down. I dare you to talk to her and walk away without a smile on your face! 

Woman 6- Ashwini Pradhan
I want to celebrate this woman for her kindness, understanding, and intellect. She is a powerhouse, whose energy is expressed through caring and humour. She embodies compassion- accepting everybody and their flaws, because she understands where they come from. On top of that, what I love is that she's a creative force who can make anybody feel good about themselves for what they are.

Woman 7- Aruna Soman
I want to celebrate this woman for her eccentricity, intelligence, forgetfulness, love, and drive. Despite our age difference of 35 years, I see Aruna mavshi as a close friend, because she knows how to relate with anyone and everyone. She works to unlock the confidence and power in young people, and has helped innumerable kids find their potential. She is capable of absolutely anything. I find  her enthusiasm for everything in the world and everything in life sincerely inspiring. 

Woman 8- Nicole Lovato
I want to celebrate this woman for her calmness, loving spirit, and bottomless pool of strength and support. She exudes wisdom, which nothing can cover up. She too, works with youth- helping them to love, accept, and push themselves to their greatest potential. She is an incredible teacher, and a lifelong student, who has lived and felt a multitude of experiences. I admire how deeply connected she is to her culture and community- something I am still learning to do myself. 

Woman 9- Maggie Chumbley
I want to celebrate this woman for constantly learning, being unafraid to give love to the world, and using that love to make a difference. The word that jumps to mind to describe Maggie is 'alive'- because she experiences and processes everything she does, and strives to get as much out of life as she can. She has taught me (and continues to teach me) about activism, love, life, music, peace, and myself. I feel so privileged to call her my mentor!

Woman 10- Jayashree Majgaonkar 
I want to celebrate this woman- my grandmother- for being unafraid, accommodating, loving, and thoughtful. She is somebody who knows who she is completely, and has taught me about self-respect through the way she takes care of herself and her family. She supported her family her whole life through her work, and her pension from her years of hard work is still supporting her and my wonderful grandfather. She is fearless in a completely humble way, as she tackles and faces everything that comes her way. I remember her having to travel somewhere for work a few years ago, for which she had to take a night-train- we were all extremely worried, and attempting to talk her out of it- but she and her no-nonsense attitude wouldn't stand for it, and so off she went, without any fuss at all. She teaches me about responsibility, duty, courage, and strength just by being who she is. 

Woman 11- Pradnya Kulkarni
I want to celebrate this woman's very existence. I look up to and admire many people in the world, but there is no woman from whom I have learned more, or received more love from, than my mother. Her respect for herself, her love for knowledge, and her strong sense of values and principles make her heroic. Personality-wise, she and I have very little in common, but the way she constantly grows, expands her views, and expresses and feels love, are all qualities I admire immensely. She is the most influential and important woman in my life, and it was because she noticed that ordinary women aren't given enough credit, that I was inspired to write this post. Here's to her and all the other (extra)ordinary women out there, who are making the world better by being the wonderful people they are!